A few years ago I purchased several lined wire baskets from Amazon. The intention was to use them in a cabinet to help organized some of my crafting and project items. While they have worked very well for their purpose, I was ready for a refresh, to go along with the new paint for the cabinet.
A simple easy wire basket freshening project
Below is a photo of the basket with liner, BEFORE. It’s cute and would absolutely look adorable in the right setting, but in this case I wanted the baskets to better reflect its surroundings.
The liners were removed and given a bleach bath which helped to lighten the dark beige color. I soaked them in a bucket with about 1 cup bleach, for an hour. Then washed and dried as usual.

The black wire baskets got a refresh using some Decor Art gold metallic paint I had on hand. For me, this worked out perfectly because I did not want to completely cover the black. The idea was to give them an aged look by leaving bits of black showing through. But if you prefer, painting it to cover completely would look nice too! If you decide to cover the wire completely with your chosen paint color, you may want to consider a spray paint instead of a brush on paint (as I did here). For this project I used a disposable sponge brush, and it worked perfectly. But be prepared this process will take a while to do. If using paint and brush, it is best to apply two light coats rather than one thicker coat.

After the baskets were painted and dry, I added tiny pads to each bottom corner. In the past, the baskets easily scratched the surface beneath and I did not want to repeat this damage to my newly painted shelves. The little pads are working out perfectly!

Here is how the baskets look in the cabinet. Nice right? I love the bits of gold and the lighter color liner. In the future I plan to sew new liners for the baskets, but for now it looks nice and I am very happy with how they look and function as I organize my home office. I will be posting my entire office reveal soon, so stay tuned for that! The source list for this project is listed below. Have a graceful day my friends!